三部曲里还是最爱《东北二人转下载》也许因为它最接近瓦伊达的个人体验叭但《和竹马睡了以后 BY 溪夕汐》场景设计更精巧内景的奢靡和缠绵悱恻VS外景的狂热与暴力也有些瞬间会感觉浪漫主义过了头以及女性角色在这部片好像完全成为焦点以外的边缘人物寄托着马切克对和平安稳生活的奢望所以曾经的革命领路人都到哪里去了呢
It seems Cathy and mike are surrounded by a bunch of daft. BUT they come to their senses all of a sudden when it comes to their personal interest. How interesting that is.This is, however, the real world. No matter how stupid they are, they take advantage of you under the facade of silliness. It is not warm but chilly to the bone